Server : Apache/2.4.43 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.4.6 System : Windows NT USER-PC 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Professional Edition Service Pack 1) AMD64 User : User ( 0) PHP Version : 7.4.6 Disable Function : NONE Directory : C:/Program Files/CyberLink/PowerDirector/web/ |
var strPhotoUrl; var strFrob; var strToken; var nPhotoNum = 0; var nContract_id; var m_strCurrent_person_id; var m_StrPhotoset_id = ""; var m_htPhotoID = new Hashtable; var m_htPhotoTitle = new Hashtable; var m_htPhotoUser = new Hashtable; var m_htPhotoURL = new Hashtable; var m_nAvoidDownloadLicensesID =[0,3,6]; var m_nWindowWidth = 480; var m_nWindowHeight = 290; var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = 0; var m_nPhotosInWidth = 7; var m_nPhotosInHeight = 3; function UpdateUpLevelButtonStatus(bEnable) { var strEnableUpLevelButton; if (bEnable == true) strEnableUpLevelButton = "EnableUpLevelButton:1"; else strEnableUpLevelButton = "EnableUpLevelButton:0"; location = strEnableUpLevelButton; } function updateTableWH() { m_nWindowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; m_nWindowWidth = document.body.clientWidth; for(var i = 0;i<200;i++) { if(i>m_nWindowWidth/100) { m_nPhotosInWidth = i; break; } } for(var i = 0;i<200;i++) { if(i>(m_nWindowHeight-60)/130) { m_nPhotosInHeight = i; break; } } m_nPhotosPrePage = m_nPhotosInWidth*m_nPhotosInHeight; } function GoToPage(nPageIndex) { m_nCurrentPageIndex = nPageIndex; if(m_nCurrentPageIndex >m_nTotalPageNum) { m_nCurrentPageIndex = m_nTotalPageNum; } if(m_nCurrentPageIndex < 1) { m_nCurrentPageIndex = 1; } TRACE(m_nCurrentPageIndex); SearchTag(m_strSearchText); UpdateCurPageInfo(); } function SearchHotTag(tag_name) { var ref = "SearchTag:"+tag_name; location = ref; } function GetPhotoUrl(photo_id) { var strURL = m_htPhotoURL.items(photo_id); var strPhoto_URL = "GetPhotoURL:"+decodeURI(strURL); location = strPhoto_URL; } function GetPhotoTitle(photo_id) { TRACE("GetPhotoTitle"); TRACE(photo_id); var strTitle = m_htPhotoTitle.items(photo_id); TRACE("result="); TRACE(strTitle); var strPhoto_Title = "GetTitle:"+strTitle; TRACE("return="); TRACE(strPhoto_Title); location = strPhoto_Title; } function GetPhotoUser(photo_id) { var strUser = m_htPhotoUser.items(photo_id); var strPhoto_Title = "GetPhotoUser:"+decodeURI(strUser); location = strPhoto_Title; } function updateBKImage() { var body = document.getElementById("bkArea"); body.background = m_strSkinPath+"flickr_search_bg.png"; } function DownloadSelectedPhoto() { for(var k in m_htPhotoID._hash) { //var strGetID = "add:"+m_htPhotoID.items(k); var strGetID = "add:"+k; location = strGetID; } m_htPhotoID.clear(); //m_htPhotoTitle.clear(); //start download var ref = "download:test"; location = ref; return; } function UpdateTotalPageInfo() { TRACE("UpdateTotalPageInfo"); TRACE(m_nTotalPageNum); var ref = "UpdateTotalPageInfo:"+m_nTotalPageNum; location = ref; return; } function UpdateCurPageInfo() { var ref = "UpdateCurPageInfo:"+m_nCurrentPageIndex; location = ref; return; } function SelectedAllPhoto() { for (var i=nStartIndex; i<nEndIndex; i++) { var strID = "image"+ i; if(document.getElementById(strID).disabled==false) { document.getElementById(strID).checked = true; OnCheckBox(document.getElementById(strID).photo_id,document.getElementById(strID).photo_title,document.getElementById(strID).checked,document.getElementById(strID).photo_user,document.getElementById(strID).photo_URL); } } } function UnSelectedAllPhoto() { for (var i=nStartIndex; i<nEndIndex; i++) { var strID = "image"+ i; document.getElementById(strID).checked = false; OnCheckBox(document.getElementById(strID).photo_id,document.getElementById(strID).photo_title,false,document.getElementById(strID).photo_user,document.getElementById(strID).photo_URL); } } function OnButtonPrev() { TRACE("OnButtonPrev"); m_nCurrentPageIndex--; if(m_nCurrentPageIndex<=0) { m_nCurrentPageIndex = 1; UpdateCurPageInfo(); return; } TRACE(m_nCurrentPageIndex); SearchTag(m_strSearchText); } function OnButtonNext() { TRACE("OnButtonNext"); m_nCurrentPageIndex++; if(m_nCurrentPageIndex >m_nTotalPageNum) { m_nCurrentPageIndex = m_nTotalPageNum; UpdateCurPageInfo(); return; } TRACE(m_nCurrentPageIndex); SearchTag(m_strSearchText); } function ClearInfoArea1() { var picList = document.getElementById("Info_Area1"); picList.innerHTML = ""; } function ClearInfoArea2() { var Info_Area2 = document.getElementById("Info_Area2"); Info_Area2.innerHTML = ""; } function ShowContracts(json) { TRACE("ShowContracts"); if(json.feed.entry == null) { TRACE("Contracts=0"); return; } var nUserCount = json.feed.entry.length; TRACE(nUserCount); m_nTotalPageNums = 1; UpdateUpLevelButtonStatus(false); nPhotoNum = 0; UpdateSelectAllButtonStatus(); ClearInfoArea1(); ClearInfoArea2(); m_bShowPhotoSet = false; var picList = document.getElementById("resultArea"); picList.innerHTML = "" m_nContractGetCount = 0; //Create Cell for user icons var tbl = document.createElement("table"); var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody"); var nCount = 0; var row = document.createElement("tr"); for (var i=0; i<nUserCount; i++) { var item = json.feed.entry[i]; var strTitle = item.title.$t; TRACE(strTitle); if(nCount>m_nPhotosInWidth-1) { nCount = 0; row = document.createElement("tr"); } var strCellID = strTitle; nCount++; var cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.setAttribute('width', "90"); cell.setAttribute('height', "100"); cell.setAttribute('id', strCellID); cell.setAttribute('align', "center"); ShowPersons(item,cell); var link = document.createElement('a'); cell.onmouseover = function() { //domTT_activate(this, event, 'content',this.title , 'grid', 20, 'fade', 'out', 'trail', false); 'hand'; } cell.onmouseout=function() { //domTT_closeAll();domTT_deactivate(this, event); 'default'; } row.appendChild(cell); tblBody.appendChild(row); } // put the <tbody> in the <table> tbl.appendChild(tblBody); // appends <table> into <body> picList.appendChild(tbl); m_bShowContract = true; UpdateTotalPageInfo(); UpdateCurPageInfo(); TRACE("ShowContracts_end"); } function ShowPersons(person,UserCell) { var strTitle = person.title.$t; var strNickName = person.gphoto$nickname.$t; var strThumbnail = person.gphoto$thumbnail.$t; var strCellID = person.nsid; var picList = document.getElementById("resultArea"); //var UserCell = document.getElementById(strCellID); //if(!UserCell) // return; var tbl_new = document.createElement("table"); tbl_new.setAttribute('cellspacing','0'); tbl_new.setAttribute('cellpadding','0'); var tblBody_new = document.createElement("tbody"); tbl_new.setAttribute('border','0'); var row1 = document.createElement("tr"); var cell1 = document.createElement("td"); cell1.setAttribute('width', "62"); cell1.setAttribute('height', "58"); cell1.setAttribute('align', "center"); cell1.setAttribute('vAlign', "top"); cell1.setAttribute('align', "center"); var strBKImageFile; strBKImageFile = m_strSkinPath+"thumb_bg_user.png"; cell1.setAttribute('background',strBKImageFile); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('target', "_top"); link.setAttribute('person_id', strTitle); var url; url = strThumbnail; link.setAttribute('person_image', url); link.setAttribute('person_name', strNickName); link.setAttribute('title', strTitle); //var strHref = "GetPhotoSets:"+person.nsid; //link.setAttribute('href', strHref); link.onclick = function() { m_nCurrentPhotoSetPage = 1; m_strCurrent_person_id = this.person_id; GetAlbum(this.person_id); m_nConstractID = this.person_id; m_CurrentContractInfo_ImageURL = this.person_image; m_CurrentContractInfo_Name = this.person_name; //ShowPersonsInfoArea(); } link.onmouseover = function() { 'hand'; } link.onmouseout=function() { 'default'; } var div = document.createElement('img'); div.setAttribute('src', url); div.setAttribute('border', 0); div.setAttribute('width', "49"); div.setAttribute('height', "48"); div.setAttribute('vspace', 7); link.appendChild(div); cell1.appendChild(link); row1.appendChild(cell1); tblBody_new.appendChild(row1); tbl_new.appendChild(tblBody_new); var cell2 = document.createElement("td"); cell2.setAttribute('align', "center"); var link2 = document.createElement('a'); link2.setAttribute('target', "_top"); link2.setAttribute('person_id', strTitle); var url; url = strThumbnail; link2.setAttribute('person_image', url); link2.setAttribute('person_name', strNickName); link2.setAttribute('title', strTitle); link2.onclick = function() { m_nCurrentPhotoSetPage = 1; m_strCurrent_person_id = this.person_id; GetAlbum(this.person_id); m_nConstractID = this.person_id; m_CurrentContractInfo_ImageURL = this.person_image; m_CurrentContractInfo_Name = this.person_name; //ShowPersonsInfoArea(); } link2.onmouseover = function() { 'hand'; } link2.onmouseout=function() { 'default'; } var divCell = document.createElement('div'); var textNodeNobr = "<div style='width: 80px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden'><font size = 2><nobr>"+strNickName+"</nobr></font></div>"; divCell.innerHTML=textNodeNobr; link2.appendChild(divCell); cell2.appendChild(link2); UserCell.appendChild(tbl_new); UserCell.appendChild(cell2); m_nContractGetCount = m_nContractGetCount+1; } function UpdateSelectAllButtonStatus() { var bEnable = true; if(nPhotoNum == 0) bEnable = false; var strEnableSelectAllButton; if(bEnable == true) strEnableSelectAllButton = "EnableSelectAllButton:1"; else strEnableSelectAllButton = "EnableSelectAllButton:0"; location = strEnableSelectAllButton; } function ShowHotTags(tagList) { // insert newly found pictures var body = document.getElementById("resultArea"); body.innerHTML = ""; var arr = new Hashtable; for(var i = 0;i<tagList.length;i++) { arr.add(tagList[i]._content,(tagList[i].score/10)); } var TagList = new Array(tagList.length); for(var i = 0;i<tagList.length;i++) { TagList[i]= tagList[i]._content; } TagList.sort(); var tbl = document.createElement("table"); var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody"); var nCount = 0; var row = document.createElement("tr"); var cell = document.createElement("td"); //cell.setAttribute('width', "80"); //cell.setAttribute('height', "100"); for(var i = 0;i<tagList.length;i++) { sizeTag = arr.items(TagList[i]); var fontTag = document.createElement('font'); fontTag.setAttribute('size',sizeTag); fontTag.setAttribute('color',"#0000FF"); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('TagName',TagList[i]); link.onmouseover = function() { // = "#0000FF"; // = "#FFFFFF"; 'hand'; } link.onmouseout = function() { // = "#FFFFFF"; // = "#0000FF"; 'default'; } link.onclick = function() { SearchHotTag(this.TagName); } link.innerHTML = TagList[i]; link.innerHTML += " "; fontTag.appendChild(link); cell.appendChild(fontTag); } row.appendChild(cell); tblBody.appendChild(row); tbl.appendChild(tblBody); // appends <table> into <body> body.appendChild(tbl); // sets the border attribute of tbl to 2; tbl.setAttribute("border", "0"); } function jsonFlickrApi(rsp) { if (rsp.stat != "ok") { return; } if(rsp.photosets) { ShowPhotoSets(rsp.photosets); return; } if(rsp.sizes) { var strURL = ""; var bFind = false; for(var i = 0;i<rsp.sizes.size.length;i++) { strURL = rsp.sizes.size[i].source; bFind = true; if(rsp.sizes.size[i].label == m_nDownloadSizeName) { break; } } if(bFind) { var strPhotoURL = "GetPhotoURL:"+strURL; location = strPhotoURL; } return; } if(rsp.person) { ShowPersons(rsp.person); return; } if(rsp.frob) { var strReturn = "frob:"+rsp.frob._content; strFrob = rsp.frob._content; var strSrc = m_strSecret+"api_key"+m_strApiKey+"frob"+strFrob+"permsread"; var strMd5 = MD5(strSrc); var strRequest = ""+m_strApiKey+"&perms=read&frob="+strFrob+"&api_sig="+strMd5; strRequest); return; } if(rsp.auth) { if(rsp.auth.token) { strToken = rsp.auth.token._content; return; } } if(rsp.contacts) { if(! { return; } ShowContracts(rsp.contacts); return; } if( { ShowPhotos(; return; } if( { ShowPhotoInfo(; return; } if(rsp.licenses) { for(var j = 0;i<10;j++) { m_nLicenseID[j] = -1; } for(var i = 0;i<rsp.licenses.license.length;i++) { strURL = rsp.licenses.license[i].url; m_nLicenseName[i] = rsp.licenses.license[i].name; m_nLicenseURL[i] = rsp.licenses.license[i].url; m_nLicenseID[i] = rsp.licenses.license[i].id; } return; } if(rsp.photoset!=null) { m_nTotalPageNum = rsp.photoset.pages; ShowPhotos(rsp.photoset); return; } if(rsp.hottags) { if(rsp.hottags.count>0) ShowHotTags(rsp.hottags.tag); return; } }