Server : Apache/2.4.43 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.4.6 System : Windows NT USER-PC 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Professional Edition Service Pack 1) AMD64 User : User ( 0) PHP Version : 7.4.6 Disable Function : NONE Directory : C:/xampp/perl/vendor/lib/PAR/ |
package PAR::Dist; use 5.006; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw/$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG/; $VERSION = '0.49'; # Change version in POD, too! @ISA = 'Exporter'; @EXPORT = qw/ blib_to_par install_par uninstall_par sign_par verify_par merge_par remove_man get_meta generate_blib_stub /; @EXPORT_OK = qw/ parse_dist_name contains_binaries /; $DEBUG = 0; use Carp qw/carp croak/; use File::Spec; =head1 NAME PAR::Dist - Create and manipulate PAR distributions =head1 VERSION This document describes version 0.47 of PAR::Dist, released November 29, 2009. =head1 SYNOPSIS As a shell command: % perl -MPAR::Dist -eblib_to_par In programs: use PAR::Dist; my $dist = blib_to_par(); # make a PAR file using ./blib/ install_par($dist); # install it into the system uninstall_par($dist); # uninstall it from the system sign_par($dist); # sign it using Module::Signature verify_par($dist); # verify it using Module::Signature install_par(""); # works too install_par(""); # auto-appends archname + perlver install_par("cpan://SMUELLER/PAR-Packer-0.975"); # uses CPAN author directory =head1 DESCRIPTION This module creates and manipulates I<PAR distributions>. They are architecture-specific B<PAR> files, containing everything under F<blib/> of CPAN distributions after their C<make> or C<Build> stage, a F<META.yml> describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution, and a F<MANIFEST> detailing all files within it. Digitally signed PAR distributions will also contain a F<SIGNATURE> file. The naming convention for such distributions is: $NAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$PERL_VERSION.par For example, C<PAR-Dist-0.01-i386-freebsd-5.8.0.par> corresponds to the 0.01 release of C<PAR-Dist> on CPAN, built for perl 5.8.0 running on C<i386-freebsd>. =head1 FUNCTIONS Several functions are exported by default. Unless otherwise noted, they can take either a hash of named arguments, a single argument (taken as C<$path> by C<blib_to_par> and C<$dist> by other functions), or no arguments (in which case the first PAR file in the current directory is used). Therefore, under a directory containing only a single F<test.par>, all invocations below are equivalent: % perl -MPAR::Dist -e"install_par( dist => 'test.par' )" % perl -MPAR::Dist -e"install_par( 'test.par' )" % perl -MPAR::Dist -einstall_par; If C<$dist> resembles a URL, C<LWP::Simple::mirror> is called to mirror it locally under C<$ENV{PAR_TEMP}> (or C<$TEMP/par/> if unspecified), and the function will act on the fetched local file instead. If the URL begins with C<cpan://AUTHOR/>, it will be expanded automatically to the author's CPAN directory (e.g. C<>). If C<$dist> does not have a file extension beginning with a letter or underscore, a dash and C<$suffix> ($ARCH-$PERL_VERSION.par by default) will be appended to it. =head2 blib_to_par Takes key/value pairs as parameters or a single parameter indicating the path that contains the F<blib/> subdirectory. Builds a PAR distribution from the F<blib/> subdirectory under C<path>, or under the current directory if unspecified. If F<blib/> does not exist, it automatically runs F<Build>, F<make>, F<Build.PL> or F<Makefile.PL> to create it. Returns the filename of the generated PAR distribution. Valid parameters are: =over 2 =item path Sets the path which contains the F<blib/> subdirectory from which the PAR distribution will be generated. =item name, version, suffix These attributes set the name, version and platform specific suffix of the distribution. Name and version can be automatically determined from the distributions F<META.yml> or F<Makefile.PL> files. The suffix is generated from your architecture name and your version of perl by default. =item dist The output filename for the PAR distribution. =item quiet Set to true to suppress as much output as possible. =back =cut sub blib_to_par { @_ = (path => @_) if @_ == 1; my %args = @_; require Config; # don't use 'my $foo ... if ...' it creates a static variable! my $quiet = $args{quiet} || 0; my $dist; my $path = $args{path}; $dist = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{dist}) if $args{dist}; my $name = $args{name}; my $version = $args{version}; my $suffix = $args{suffix} || "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}.par"; my $cwd; if (defined $path) { require Cwd; $cwd = Cwd::cwd(); chdir $path; } _build_blib() unless -d "blib"; my @files; open MANIFEST, ">", File::Spec->catfile("blib", "MANIFEST") or die $!; open META, ">", File::Spec->catfile("blib", "META.yml") or die $!; require File::Find; File::Find::find( sub { next unless $File::Find::name; (-r && !-d) and push ( @files, substr($File::Find::name, 5) ); } , 'blib' ); print MANIFEST join( "\n", ' <!-- accessible as jar:file:///NAME.par!/MANIFEST in compliant browsers -->', (sort @files), q( # <html><body onload="var X=document.body.innerHTML.split(/\n/);var Y='<iframe src="META.yml" style="float:right;height:40%;width:40%"></iframe><ul>';for(var x in X){if(!X[x].match(/^\s*#/)&&X[x].length)Y+='<li><a href="'+X[x]+'">'+X[x]+'</a>'}document.body.innerHTML=Y">) ); close MANIFEST; # if MYMETA.yml exists, that takes precedence over META.yml my $meta_file_name = "META.yml"; my $mymeta_file_name = "MYMETA.yml"; $meta_file_name = -s $mymeta_file_name ? $mymeta_file_name : $meta_file_name; if (open(OLD_META, $meta_file_name)) { while (<OLD_META>) { if (/^distribution_type:/) { print META "distribution_type: par\n"; } else { print META $_; } if (/^name:\s+(.*)/) { $name ||= $1; $name =~ s/::/-/g; } elsif (/^version:\s+.*Module::Build::Version/) { while (<OLD_META>) { /^\s+original:\s+(.*)/ or next; $version ||= $1; last; } } elsif (/^version:\s+(.*)/) { $version ||= $1; } } close OLD_META; close META; } if ((!$name or !$version) and open(MAKEFILE, "Makefile")) { while (<MAKEFILE>) { if (/^DISTNAME\s+=\s+(.*)$/) { $name ||= $1; } elsif (/^VERSION\s+=\s+(.*)$/) { $version ||= $1; } } } if (not defined($name) or not defined($version)) { # could not determine name or version. Error. my $what; if (not defined $name) { $what = 'name'; $what .= ' and version' if not defined $version; } elsif (not defined $version) { $what = 'version'; } carp("I was unable to determine the $what of the PAR distribution. Please create a Makefile or META.yml file from which we can infer the information or just specify the missing information as an option to blib_to_par."); return(); } $name =~ s/\s+$//; $version =~ s/\s+$//; my $file = "$name-$version-$suffix"; unlink $file if -f $file; print META << "YAML" if fileno(META); name: $name version: $version build_requires: {} conflicts: {} dist_name: $file distribution_type: par dynamic_config: 0 generated_by: 'PAR::Dist version $PAR::Dist::VERSION' license: unknown YAML close META; mkdir('blib', 0777); chdir('blib'); require Cwd; my $zipoutfile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, $file); _zip(dist => $zipoutfile); chdir(File::Spec->updir); unlink File::Spec->catfile("blib", "MANIFEST"); unlink File::Spec->catfile("blib", "META.yml"); $dist ||= File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $file) if $cwd; if ($dist and $file ne $dist) { if ( File::Copy::copy($file, $dist) ) { unlink $file; } else { die "Cannot copy $file: $!"; } $file = $dist; } my $pathname = File::Spec->rel2abs($file); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $pathname =~ s!\\!/!g; $pathname =~ s!:!|!g; }; print << "." if !$quiet; Successfully created binary distribution '$file'. Its contents are accessible in compliant browsers as: jar:file://$pathname!/MANIFEST . chdir $cwd if $cwd; return $file; } sub _build_blib { if (-e 'Build') { _system_wrapper($^X, "Build"); } elsif (-e 'Makefile') { _system_wrapper($Config::Config{make}); } elsif (-e 'Build.PL') { _system_wrapper($^X, "Build.PL"); _system_wrapper($^X, "Build"); } elsif (-e 'Makefile.PL') { _system_wrapper($^X, "Makefile.PL"); _system_wrapper($Config::Config{make}); } } =head2 install_par Installs a PAR distribution into the system, using C<ExtUtils::Install::install_default>. If only a single parameter is given, it is treated as the value for the C<dist> parameter. Valid named parameters are: =over 2 =item dist The .par file to install. The heuristics outlined in the B<FUNCTIONS> section above apply. =item prefix This string will be prepended to all installation paths. If it isn't specified, the environment variable C<PERL_INSTALL_ROOT> is used as a prefix. =item uninstall_shadows This corresponds to the C<uninstall_shadows> option of L<ExtUtils::Install>. Quoting its manual: If C<uninstall_shadows> is set to true, any differing versions throughout C<@INC> will be uninstalled. This is C<make install UNINST=1>. =item verbose This corresponds to the C<verbose> option of L<ExtUtils::Install>. According to its manual: If C<verbose> is true, will print out each file removed. This is C<make install VERBINST=1>. C<verbose> values going up to 5 show increasingly more diagnostics output. Default verbosity for PAR::Dist is 1. =back If you're just going to install into the running perl like everything else, you can stop reading the rest of this section now. Additionally, you can use several parameters to change the default installation destinations. You don't usually have to worry about this unless you are installing into a user-local directory. The following section outlines the parameter names and default settings: Parameter From To inst_lib blib/lib $Config{installsitelib} (*) inst_archlib blib/arch $Config{installsitearch} inst_script blib/script $Config{installscript} inst_bin blib/bin $Config{installbin} inst_man1dir blib/man1 $Config{installman1dir} inst_man3dir blib/man3 $Config{installman3dir} packlist_read $Config{sitearchexp}/auto/$name/.packlist packlist_write $Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist The C<packlist_write> parameter is used to control where the F<.packlist> file is written to. (Necessary for uninstallation.) The C<packlist_read> parameter specifies a .packlist file to merge in if it exists. By setting any of the above installation targets to C<undef>, you can remove that target altogether. For example, passing C<< inst_man1dir => undef, inst_man3dir => undef >> means that the contained manual pages won't be installed. This is not available for the packlists. Again, the defaults will be the normal I<site> paths from C<%Config>. (*) If the C<.par>'s I<inst_archlib> section (normally C<blib/arch>) isn't empty, the code in I<inst_lib> (normally C<blib/lib>) is also installed into the I<inst_archlib> path. This makes sense for XS modules. If, however, you override C<inst_lib>, this automatic conversion is also overridden! You can use the named parameter C<auto_inst_lib_conversion =E<gt> 1> to re-enable the conversion for custom I<inst_lib>'s. Finally, you may specify a C<custom_targets> parameter. Its value should be a reference to a hash of custom installation targets such as custom_targets => { 'blib/my_data' => '/some/path/my_data' } You can use this to install the F<.par> archives contents to arbitrary locations. =cut sub install_par { my %args = &_args; _install_or_uninstall(%args, action => 'install'); } =head2 uninstall_par Uninstalls all previously installed contents of a PAR distribution, using C<ExtUtils::Install::uninstall>. Takes almost the same parameters as C<install_par>, but naturally, the installation target parameters do not apply. The only exception to this is the C<packlist_read> parameter which specifies the F<.packlist> file to read the list of installed files from. It defaults to C<$Config::Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist>. Additionally, the C<uninstall_shadows> parameter of C<install_par> isn't available. =cut sub uninstall_par { my %args = &_args; _install_or_uninstall(%args, action => 'uninstall'); } sub _install_or_uninstall { my %args = &_args; my $name = $args{name}; my $action = $args{action}; my %ENV_copy = %ENV; $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} = $args{prefix} if defined $args{prefix}; require Cwd; my $old_dir = Cwd::cwd(); my ($dist, $tmpdir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $args{dist}, subdir => 'blib' ); if ( open (META, File::Spec->catfile('blib', 'META.yml')) ) { while (<META>) { next unless /^name:\s+(.*)/; $name = $1; $name =~ s/\s+$//; last; } close META; } return if not defined $name or $name eq ''; if (-d 'script') { require ExtUtils::MY; foreach my $file (glob("script/*")) { next unless -T $file; ExtUtils::MY->fixin($file); chmod(0555, $file); } } $name =~ s{::|-}{/}g; require ExtUtils::Install; if ($action eq 'install') { my $target = _installation_target( File::Spec->curdir, $name, \%args ); my $custom_targets = $args{custom_targets} || {}; $target->{$_} = $custom_targets->{$_} foreach keys %{$custom_targets}; my $uninstall_shadows = $args{uninstall_shadows}; my $verbose = $args{verbose}; ExtUtils::Install::install($target, $verbose, 0, $uninstall_shadows); } elsif ($action eq 'uninstall') { require Config; my $verbose = $args{verbose}; ExtUtils::Install::uninstall( $args{packlist_read}||"$Config::Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist", $verbose ); } %ENV = %ENV_copy; chdir($old_dir); File::Path::rmtree([$tmpdir]); return 1; } # Returns the default installation target as used by # ExtUtils::Install::install(). First parameter should be the base # directory containing the blib/ we're installing from. # Second parameter should be the name of the distribution for the packlist # paths. Third parameter may be a hash reference with user defined keys for # the target hash. In fact, any contents that do not start with 'inst_' are # skipped. sub _installation_target { require Config; my $dir = shift; my $name = shift; my $user = shift || {}; # accepted sources (and user overrides) my %sources = ( inst_lib => File::Spec->catdir($dir,"blib","lib"), inst_archlib => File::Spec->catdir($dir,"blib","arch"), inst_bin => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','bin'), inst_script => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','script'), inst_man1dir => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','man1'), inst_man3dir => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','man3'), packlist_read => 'read', packlist_write => 'write', ); my $par_has_archlib = _directory_not_empty( $sources{inst_archlib} ); # default targets my $target = { read => $Config::Config{sitearchexp}."/auto/$name/.packlist", write => $Config::Config{installsitearch}."/auto/$name/.packlist", $sources{inst_lib} => ($par_has_archlib ? $Config::Config{installsitearch} : $Config::Config{installsitelib}), $sources{inst_archlib} => $Config::Config{installsitearch}, $sources{inst_bin} => $Config::Config{installbin} , $sources{inst_script} => $Config::Config{installscript}, $sources{inst_man1dir} => $Config::Config{installman1dir}, $sources{inst_man3dir} => $Config::Config{installman3dir}, }; # Included for future support for ${flavour}perl external lib installation # if ($Config::Config{flavour_perl}) { # my $ext = File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'blib', 'ext'); # # from => to # $sources{inst_external_lib} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'lib'); # $sources{inst_external_bin} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'bin'); # $sources{inst_external_include} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'include'); # $sources{inst_external_src} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'src'); # $target->{ $sources{inst_external_lib} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_lib}; # $target->{ $sources{inst_external_bin} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_bin}; # $target->{ $sources{inst_external_include} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_include}; # $target->{ $sources{inst_external_src} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_src}; # } # insert user overrides foreach my $key (keys %$user) { my $value = $user->{$key}; if (not defined $value and $key ne 'packlist_read' and $key ne 'packlist_write') { # undef means "remove" delete $target->{ $sources{$key} }; } elsif (exists $sources{$key}) { # overwrite stuff, don't let the user create new entries $target->{ $sources{$key} } = $value; } } # apply the automatic inst_lib => inst_archlib conversion again # if the user asks for it and there is an archlib in the .par if ($user->{auto_inst_lib_conversion} and $par_has_archlib) { $target->{inst_lib} = $target->{inst_archlib}; } return $target; } sub _directory_not_empty { require File::Find; my($dir) = @_; my $files = 0; File::Find::find(sub { return if $_ eq ".exists"; if (-f) { $File::Find::prune++; $files = 1; } }, $dir); return $files; } =head2 sign_par Digitally sign a PAR distribution using C<gpg> or B<Crypt::OpenPGP>, via B<Module::Signature>. =cut sub sign_par { my %args = &_args; _verify_or_sign(%args, action => 'sign'); } =head2 verify_par Verify the digital signature of a PAR distribution using C<gpg> or B<Crypt::OpenPGP>, via B<Module::Signature>. Returns a boolean value indicating whether verification passed; C<$!> is set to the return code of C<Module::Signature::verify>. =cut sub verify_par { my %args = &_args; $! = _verify_or_sign(%args, action => 'verify'); return ( $! == Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_OK() ); } =head2 merge_par I<Note:> Since version 0.32 of PAR::Dist, this function requires a YAML reader. The order of precedence is: YAML:XS YAML YAML::Syck YAML::Tiny Merges two or more PAR distributions into one. First argument must be the name of the distribution you want to merge all others into. Any following arguments will be interpreted as the file names of further PAR distributions to merge into the first one. merge_par('foo.par', 'bar.par', 'baz.par') This will merge the distributions C<foo.par>, C<bar.par> and C<baz.par> into the distribution C<foo.par>. C<foo.par> will be overwritten! The original META.yml of C<foo.par> is retained, but augmented with any C<provides>, C<requires>, C<recommends>, C<build_requires>, and C<configure_requires> sections from the other C<.par> files. =cut sub merge_par { my $base_par = shift; my @additional_pars = @_; require Cwd; require File::Copy; require File::Path; require File::Find; # parameter checking if (not defined $base_par) { croak "First argument to merge_par() must be the .par archive to modify."; } if (not -f $base_par or not -r _ or not -w _) { croak "'$base_par' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read and modify it."; } foreach (@additional_pars) { if (not -f $_ or not -r _) { croak "'$_' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read it."; } } # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir. my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd(); # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir. (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $base_par, subdir => 'blib' ); my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib'); # move the META.yml to the (main) temp. dir. my $main_meta_file = File::Spec->catfile($base_dir, 'META.yml'); File::Copy::move( File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'), $main_meta_file ); # delete (incorrect) MANIFEST unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST'); # extract additional pars and merge foreach my $par (@additional_pars) { # restore original directory because the par path # might have been relative! chdir($old_cwd); (undef, my $add_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $par ); # merge the meta (at least the provides info) into the main meta.yml my $meta_file = File::Spec->catfile($add_dir, 'META.yml'); if (-f $meta_file) { _merge_meta($main_meta_file, $meta_file); } my @files; my @dirs; # I hate File::Find # And I hate writing portable code, too. File::Find::find( {wanted =>sub { my $file = $File::Find::name; push @files, $file if -f $file; push @dirs, $file if -d _; }}, $add_dir ); my ($vol, $subdir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $add_dir, 1); my @dir = File::Spec->splitdir( $subdir ); # merge directory structure foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my ($v, $d, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 1 ); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d ); shift @d foreach @dir; # remove tmp dir from path my $target = File::Spec->catdir( $blibdir, @d ); mkdir($target); } # merge files foreach my $file (@files) { my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file ); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d ); shift @d foreach @dir; # remove tmp dir from path my $target = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->catdir( $blibdir, @d ), $f ); File::Copy::copy($file, $target) or die "Could not copy '$file' to '$target': $!"; } chdir($old_cwd); File::Path::rmtree([$add_dir]); } # delete (copied) MANIFEST and META.yml unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST'); unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'); chdir($base_dir); my $resulting_par_file = Cwd::abs_path(blib_to_par(quiet => 1)); chdir($old_cwd); File::Copy::move($resulting_par_file, $base_par); File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]); } sub _merge_meta { my $meta_orig_file = shift; my $meta_extra_file = shift; return() if not defined $meta_orig_file or not -f $meta_orig_file; return 1 if not defined $meta_extra_file or not -f $meta_extra_file; my $yaml_functions = _get_yaml_functions(); die "Cannot merge META.yml files without a YAML reader/writer" if !exists $yaml_functions->{LoadFile} or !exists $yaml_functions->{DumpFile}; my $orig_meta = $yaml_functions->{LoadFile}->($meta_orig_file); my $extra_meta = $yaml_functions->{LoadFile}->($meta_extra_file); # I seem to remember there was this incompatibility between the different # YAML implementations with regards to "document" handling: my $orig_tree = (ref($orig_meta) eq 'ARRAY' ? $orig_meta->[0] : $orig_meta); my $extra_tree = (ref($extra_meta) eq 'ARRAY' ? $extra_meta->[0] : $extra_meta); _merge_provides($orig_tree, $extra_tree); _merge_requires($orig_tree, $extra_tree); $yaml_functions->{DumpFile}->($meta_orig_file, $orig_meta); return 1; } # merge the two-level provides sections of META.yml sub _merge_provides { my $orig_hash = shift; my $extra_hash = shift; return() if not exists $extra_hash->{provides}; $orig_hash->{provides} ||= {}; my $orig_provides = $orig_hash->{provides}; my $extra_provides = $extra_hash->{provides}; # two level clone is enough wrt META spec 1.4 # overwrite the original provides since we're also overwriting the files. foreach my $module (keys %$extra_provides) { my $extra_mod_hash = $extra_provides->{$module}; my %mod_hash; $mod_hash{$_} = $extra_mod_hash->{$_} for keys %$extra_mod_hash; $orig_provides->{$module} = \%mod_hash; } } # merge the single-level requires-like sections of META.yml sub _merge_requires { my $orig_hash = shift; my $extra_hash = shift; foreach my $type (qw(requires build_requires configure_requires recommends)) { next if not exists $extra_hash->{$type}; $orig_hash->{$type} ||= {}; # one level clone is enough wrt META spec 1.4 foreach my $module (keys %{ $extra_hash->{$type} }) { # FIXME there should be a version comparison here, BUT how are we going to do that without a guaranteed $orig_hash->{$type}{$module} = $extra_hash->{$type}{$module}; # assign version and module name } } } =head2 remove_man Remove the man pages from a PAR distribution. Takes one named parameter: I<dist> which should be the name (and path) of the PAR distribution file. The calling conventions outlined in the C<FUNCTIONS> section above apply. The PAR archive will be extracted, stripped of all C<man\d?> and C<html> subdirectories and then repackaged into the original file. =cut sub remove_man { my %args = &_args; my $par = $args{dist}; require Cwd; require File::Copy; require File::Path; require File::Find; # parameter checking if (not defined $par) { croak "First argument to remove_man() must be the .par archive to modify."; } if (not -f $par or not -r _ or not -w _) { croak "'$par' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read and modify it."; } # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir. my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd(); # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir. (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $par, subdir => 'blib' ); my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib'); # move the META.yml to the (main) temp. dir. File::Copy::move( File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'), File::Spec->catfile($base_dir, 'META.yml') ); # delete (incorrect) MANIFEST unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST'); opendir DIRECTORY, 'blib' or die $!; my @dirs = grep { /^blib\/(?:man\d*|html)$/ } grep { -d $_ } map { File::Spec->catfile('blib', $_) } readdir DIRECTORY; close DIRECTORY; File::Path::rmtree(\@dirs); chdir($base_dir); my $resulting_par_file = Cwd::abs_path(blib_to_par()); chdir($old_cwd); File::Copy::move($resulting_par_file, $par); File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]); } =head2 get_meta Opens a PAR archive and extracts the contained META.yml file. Returns the META.yml file as a string. Takes one named parameter: I<dist>. If only one parameter is passed, it is treated as the I<dist> parameter. (Have a look at the description in the C<FUNCTIONS> section above.) Returns undef if no PAR archive or no META.yml within the archive were found. =cut sub get_meta { my %args = &_args; my $dist = $args{dist}; return undef if not defined $dist or not -r $dist; require Cwd; require File::Path; # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir. my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd(); # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir. (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $dist, subdir => 'blib' ); my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib'); my $meta = File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'); if (not -r $meta) { return undef; } open FH, '<', $meta or die "Could not open file '$meta' for reading: $!"; local $/ = undef; my $meta_text = <FH>; close FH; chdir($old_cwd); File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]); return $meta_text; } sub _unzip { my %args = &_args; my $dist = $args{dist}; my $path = $args{path} || File::Spec->curdir; return unless -f $dist; # Try fast unzipping first if (eval { require Archive::Unzip::Burst; 1 }) { my $return = !Archive::Unzip::Burst::unzip($dist, $path); return if $return; # true return value == error (a la system call) } # Then slow unzipping if (eval { require Archive::Zip; 1 }) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new; local %SIG; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /\bstat\b/ }; return unless $zip->read($dist) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() and $zip->extractTree('', "$path/") == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK(); } # Then fall back to the system else { undef $!; if (_system_wrapper(unzip => $dist, '-d', $path)) { die "Failed to unzip '$dist' to path '$path': Could neither load " . "Archive::Zip nor (successfully) run the system 'unzip' (unzip said: $!)"; } } return 1; } sub _zip { my %args = &_args; my $dist = $args{dist}; if (eval { require Archive::Zip; 1 }) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new; $zip->addTree( File::Spec->curdir, '' ); $zip->writeToFileNamed( $dist ) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() or die $!; } else { undef $!; if (_system_wrapper(qw(zip -r), $dist, File::Spec->curdir)) { die "Failed to zip '" .File::Spec->curdir(). "' to '$dist': Could neither load " . "Archive::Zip nor (successfully) run the system 'zip' (zip said: $!)"; } } return 1; } # This sub munges the arguments to most of the PAR::Dist functions # into a hash. On the way, it downloads PAR archives as necessary, etc. sub _args { # default to the first .par in the CWD if (not @_) { @_ = (glob('*.par'))[0]; } # single argument => it's a distribution file name or URL @_ = (dist => @_) if @_ == 1; my %args = @_; $args{name} ||= $args{dist}; # If we are installing from an URL, we want to munge the # distribution name so that it is in form "Module-Name" if (defined $args{name}) { $args{name} =~ s/^\w+:\/\///; my @elems = parse_dist_name($args{name}); # @elems is name, version, arch, perlversion if (defined $elems[0]) { $args{name} = $elems[0]; } else { $args{name} =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; $args{name} =~ s/^([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)-\d+\..+$/$1/; } } # append suffix if there is none if ($args{dist} and not $args{dist} =~ /\.[a-zA-Z_][^.]*$/) { require Config; my $suffix = $args{suffix}; $suffix ||= "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}.par"; $args{dist} .= "-$suffix"; } # download if it's an URL if ($args{dist} and $args{dist} =~ m!^\w+://!) { $args{dist} = _fetch(dist => $args{dist}) } return %args; } # Download PAR archive, but only if necessary (mirror!) my %escapes; sub _fetch { my %args = @_; if ($args{dist} =~ s/^file:\/\///) { return $args{dist} if -e $args{dist}; return; } require LWP::Simple; $ENV{PAR_TEMP} ||= File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, 'par'); mkdir $ENV{PAR_TEMP}, 0777; %escapes = map { chr($_) => sprintf("%%%02X", $_) } 0..255 unless %escapes; $args{dist} =~ s{^cpan://((([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z])[-_a-zA-Z]+)/} {\U$3/$2/$1\E/}; my $file = $args{dist}; $file =~ s/([^\w\.])/$escapes{$1}/g; $file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{PAR_TEMP}, $file); my $rc = LWP::Simple::mirror( $args{dist}, $file ); if (!LWP::Simple::is_success($rc) and $rc != 304) { die "Error $rc: ", LWP::Simple::status_message($rc), " ($args{dist})\n"; } return $file if -e $file; return; } sub _verify_or_sign { my %args = &_args; require File::Path; require Module::Signature; die "Module::Signature version 0.25 required" unless Module::Signature->VERSION >= 0.25; require Cwd; my $cwd = Cwd::cwd(); my $action = $args{action}; my ($dist, $tmpdir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir($args{dist}); $action ||= (-e 'SIGNATURE' ? 'verify' : 'sign'); if ($action eq 'sign') { open FH, '>SIGNATURE' unless -e 'SIGNATURE'; open FH, 'MANIFEST' or die $!; local $/; my $out = <FH>; if ($out !~ /^SIGNATURE(?:\s|$)/m) { $out =~ s/^(?!\s)/SIGNATURE\n/m; open FH, '>MANIFEST' or die $!; print FH $out; } close FH; $args{overwrite} = 1 unless exists $args{overwrite}; $args{skip} = 0 unless exists $args{skip}; } my $rv = Module::Signature->can($action)->(%args); _zip(dist => $dist) if $action eq 'sign'; File::Path::rmtree([$tmpdir]); chdir($cwd); return $rv; } sub _unzip_to_tmpdir { my %args = &_args; require File::Temp; my $dist = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{dist}); my $tmpdirname = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, "parXXXXX"); my $tmpdir = File::Temp::mkdtemp($tmpdirname) or die "Could not create temporary directory from template '$tmpdirname': $!"; my $path = $tmpdir; $path = File::Spec->catdir($tmpdir, $args{subdir}) if defined $args{subdir}; _unzip(dist => $dist, path => $path); chdir $tmpdir; return ($dist, $tmpdir); } =head2 parse_dist_name First argument must be a distribution file name. The file name is parsed into I<distribution name>, I<distribution version>, I<architecture name>, and I<perl version>. Returns the results as a list in the above order. If any or all of the above cannot be determined, returns undef instead of the undetermined elements. Supported formats are: Math-Symbolic-0.502-x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi-5.8.7 Math-Symbolic-0.502 The ".tar.gz" or ".par" extensions as well as any preceding paths are stripped before parsing. Starting with C<PAR::Dist> 0.22, versions containing a preceding C<v> are parsed correctly. This function is not exported by default. =cut sub parse_dist_name { my $file = shift; return(undef, undef, undef, undef) if not defined $file; (undef, undef, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($file); my $version = qr/v?(?:\d+(?:_\d+)?|\d*(?:\.\d+(?:_\d+)?)+)/; $file =~ s/\.(?:par|tar\.gz|tar)$//i; my @elem = split /-/, $file; my (@dn, $dv, @arch, $pv); while (@elem) { my $e = shift @elem; if ( $e =~ /^$version$/o and not(# if not next token also a version # (assumes an arch string doesnt start with a version...) @elem and $elem[0] =~ /^$version$/o ) ) { $dv = $e; last; } push @dn, $e; } my $dn; $dn = join('-', @dn) if @dn; if (not @elem) { return( $dn, $dv, undef, undef); } while (@elem) { my $e = shift @elem; if ($e =~ /^(?:$version|any_version)$/) { $pv = $e; last; } push @arch, $e; } my $arch; $arch = join('-', @arch) if @arch; return($dn, $dv, $arch, $pv); } =head2 generate_blib_stub Creates a F<blib/lib> subdirectory in the current directory and prepares a F<META.yml> with meta information for a new PAR distribution. First argument should be the name of the PAR distribution in a format understood by C<parse_dist_name()>. Alternatively, named arguments resembling those of C<blib_to_par> are accepted. After running C<generate_blib_stub> and injecting files into the F<blib> directory, you can create a PAR distribution using C<blib_to_par>. This function is useful for creating custom PAR distributions from scratch. (I.e. not from an unpacked CPAN distribution) Example: use PAR::Dist; use File::Copy 'copy'; generate_blib_stub( name => 'MyApp', version => '1.00' ); copy('', 'blib/lib/'); blib_to_par(); # generates the .par file! C<generate_blib_stub> will not overwrite existing files. =cut sub generate_blib_stub { my %args = &_args; my $dist = $args{dist}; require Config; my $name = $args{name}; my $version = $args{version}; my $suffix = $args{suffix}; my ($parse_name, $parse_version, $archname, $perlversion) = parse_dist_name($dist); $name ||= $parse_name; $version ||= $parse_version; $suffix = "$archname-$perlversion" if (not defined $suffix or $suffix eq '') and $archname and $perlversion; $suffix ||= "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}"; if ( grep { not defined $_ } ($name, $version, $suffix) ) { warn "Could not determine distribution meta information from distribution name '$dist'"; return(); } $suffix =~ s/\.par$//; if (not -f 'META.yml') { open META, '>', 'META.yml' or die "Could not open META.yml file for writing: $!"; print META << "YAML" if fileno(META); name: $name version: $version build_requires: {} conflicts: {} dist_name: $name-$version-$suffix.par distribution_type: par dynamic_config: 0 generated_by: 'PAR::Dist version $PAR::Dist::VERSION' license: unknown YAML close META; } mkdir('blib'); mkdir(File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'lib')); mkdir(File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'script')); return 1; } =head2 contains_binaries This function is not exported by default. Opens a PAR archive tries to determine whether that archive contains platform-specific binary code. Takes one named parameter: I<dist>. If only one parameter is passed, it is treated as the I<dist> parameter. (Have a look at the description in the C<FUNCTIONS> section above.) Throws a fatal error if the PAR archive could not be found. Returns one if the PAR was found to contain binary code and zero otherwise. =cut sub contains_binaries { require File::Find; my %args = &_args; my $dist = $args{dist}; return undef if not defined $dist or not -r $dist; require Cwd; require File::Path; # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir. my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd(); # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir. (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $dist, subdir => 'blib' ); my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib'); my $archdir = File::Spec->catdir($blibdir, 'arch'); my $found = 0; File::Find::find( sub { $found++ if -f $_ and not /^\.exists$/; }, $archdir ); chdir($old_cwd); File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]); return $found ? 1 : 0; } sub _system_wrapper { if ($DEBUG) { Carp::cluck("Running system call '@_' from:"); } return system(@_); } # stolen from Module::Install::Can # very much internal and subject to change or removal sub _MI_can_run { require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my ($cmd) = @_; my $_cmd = $cmd; return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd)); for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') { my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $cmd); return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs)); } return; } # Tries to load any YAML reader writer I know of # returns nothing on failure or hash reference containing # a subset of Load, Dump, LoadFile, DumpFile # entries with sub references on success. sub _get_yaml_functions { # reasoning for the ranking here: # - XS is the de-facto standard nowadays. # - is slow and aging # - syck is fast and reasonably complete # - Tiny is only a very small subset # - Parse... is only a reader and only deals with the same subset as ::Tiny my @modules = qw(YAML::XS YAML YAML::Tiny YAML::Syck Parse::CPAN::Meta); my %yaml_functions; foreach my $module (@modules) { eval "require $module;"; if (!$@) { warn "PAR::Dist testers/debug info: Using '$module' as YAML implementation" if $DEBUG; foreach my $sub (qw(Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile)) { no strict 'refs'; my $subref = *{"${module}::$sub"}{CODE}; if (defined $subref and ref($subref) eq 'CODE') { $yaml_functions{$sub} = $subref; } } $yaml_functions{yaml_provider} = $module; last; } } # end foreach module candidates if (not keys %yaml_functions) { warn "Cannot find a working YAML reader/writer implementation. Tried to load all of '@modules'"; } return(\%yaml_functions); } sub _check_tools { my $tools = _get_yaml_functions(); if ($DEBUG) { foreach (qw/Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile/) { warn "No YAML support for $_ found.\n" if not defined $tools->{$_}; } } $tools->{zip} = undef; # A::Zip 1.28 was a broken release... if (eval {require Archive::Zip; 1;} and $Archive::Zip::VERSION ne '1.28') { warn "Using Archive::Zip as ZIP tool.\n" if $DEBUG; $tools->{zip} = 'Archive::Zip'; } elsif (_MI_can_run("zip") and _MI_can_run("unzip")) { warn "Using zip/unzip as ZIP tool.\n" if $DEBUG; $tools->{zip} = 'zip'; } else { warn "Found neither Archive::Zip (version != 1.28) nor ZIP/UNZIP as valid ZIP tools.\n" if $DEBUG; $tools->{zip} = undef; } return $tools; } 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L<PAR>, L<ExtUtils::Install>, L<Module::Signature>, L<LWP::Simple> =head1 AUTHORS Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt> 2003-2007 Steffen Mueller E<lt>smueller@cpan.orgE<gt> 2005-2011 PAR has a mailing list, E<lt>par@perl.orgE<gt>, that you can write to; send an empty mail to E<lt>par-subscribe@perl.orgE<gt> to join the list and participate in the discussion. Please send bug reports to E<lt>bug-par@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003-2011 by Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<> =cut